
Submit Your Ad

Complete the following form to post your listing on the site. If you have posted this property recently, click on My Account to select it from your saved listings. The property listings are just $36.95. They are posted until you find tenants, up to a maximum duration of 3 months.

Fields with * are required.

Select Property Type*

Title *

(For Example: 1260 Goderich St. or Furnished Kincardine Apartment)

Description *

(Provide a detailed description)

Contact Information *

(Include: Name, Telephone Number, Email)

Select Rental Type

Room for rent

House for rent

Apartment for rent

Location *

Attach Photos

(6-10 photos recommended)
Note: If you have trouble uploading the photos due to large file sizes, skip this step and complete the rest of the form. You can send your photos by email to

Verification Code *

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This form is not complete until payment is received. You will receive your ad ID # and receipt upon payment completion. The listing price is $36.95.